i-Cantonese@hk 港講廣東話
2016年12月29日 星期四
🚲 人生係一段旅程,而唔係一個終點。🎯
Famous Quotes~ How to say in Cantonese?
愛默生 [ Oi3 Mak6 Sang1 ] Ralph Waldo Emerson
[ yan4 sang1 hai6 yat1 dyun6 leui5 ching4,
yi4 m4 hai6 yat1 go3 jung1 dim2 ]
Photo Source: HK movie "Aberdeen"
Let's play Cantonese in HK
Let's learn Di-Cantonese
Let's study Cantonese together!!
#Cantonese #廣東話
#港講廣東話 #iCantoneseHK
#學啲廣東話 #齊齊研究廣東話
#電影香港仔 #人間小團圓 #香港仔
#movieAberdeen #Aberdeen
#名人格言語錄 #廣東話點講
#愛默生 #RalphWaldoEmerson
#人生係一段旅程 #而唔係一個終點
#所有目的地 #AllDestinations
2016年12月23日 星期五
品酒,飲酒,隊酒,劈酒,酗酒~ Drinking till fill up & “full” down…
Drinking till fill up & “full” down… 啤啤佢~飲到啤啤夫~
Lv1. 品酒 淺嚐求質素,慢慢欣賞 to taste, to enjoy the quality of wine //醇香 bouquet
Lv2. 飲酒 求放鬆啤啤佢,可自飲 to drink for relax, even alone //飲杯 yam2 bui1 'Cheers'
Lv3. 隊酒 求High求盡興,可自隊 to get high via lots of
drinks //飲勝 yam2 sing3 'Bottom-up'
Lv4. 劈酒 不醉無歸,一班人猜枚 to get drunk*, w/buddies // 我冇醉 ngo5 mou5 jeui3 'I no drunk'
Lv5. 酗酒 已失控,自我不能自制 alcoholism, out of self-control
喺邊度飲? Where to drink?
Lv1.. 酒廠酒坊丶品酒會丶美酒佳餚節 @ wine farm, wine festival
Lv2. 清吧丶餐廳丶酒樓丶居酒屋企 @ bar, restaurant, home
Lv3. 一般酒吧丶宴會丶私人派對 @ pub, ball, party
Lv4. 劈場丶卡拉OK丶私人派對 @ karaoke
Lv5. 任何地方丶任何時候都飲 @ anywhere
Lv3 開始會變醉貓丶 跟住就劏白鶴丶然後揸大巴丶 甚至最後斷片~
From Lv3, will become drunk-cat, kill-crane, or even total
lost (memory)…
to speed up the
Drink-till-fill process until “full (fall) down”, lots of drinking games with
penalties to “bottom-up”!
Related Song: 想劈酒 / 張學友
Jacky Cheung
Other related pages/groups:
Let's play Cantonese in HK
Let's learn
Di-Cantonese 學啲~廣東話
Let's study Cantonese together!!
#廣東話#港講廣東話 #iCantoneseHK
#啤啤夫 #啤啤佢 #品酒 #飲酒 #隊酒 #隊酒 #劈酒 #酗酒
#輕試淺嚐 #歡聚暢飲 #盡興豪飲 #賣醉冧檔 #失控狂飲 #暴飲2016年12月19日 星期一
廣東話代名詞 Cantonese pronouns
呢個係你邊位呀? Who is this person (related to you)?
嗰啲係咩嚟㗎? What are those things?
邊度有洗手間呀? Where is the washroom?
There are quite many different pronouns 各種代名詞:
1. Personal pronouns 人物代名詞
(a) Subject 主格 我, 你, 佢 (plural+哋dei6)
(b) Object 受格 我, 你, 佢 (I, You, He/She/It)
(c) Possessive 所有格 我嘅, 你嘅, 佢嘅 keui5 ge3
(My, your, his/her/its)
(d) Reflexive 反身 我自己, 你自己, 佢自己 keui5 ji6 gei2
2. Demonstrative pronouns 指示代名詞
This, these 呢個, 呢啲 ni1 go3, ni1 di1
That, those 嗰個, 嗰啲 go2 go3, go2 di1
This way 呢邊 ni1 bin1
That way 嗰邊 go2 bin1
3. Interrogative pronouns 疑問代名詞
What 乜嘢 mat1 ye5 (咩 me1)
Who 邊個 bin1 go3
(邊位 bin1 wai2; polite)
Whose 邊個嘅 bin1 go3 ge3
Where 邊度 bin1 dou6
Which 邊一個 bin1 yat1 go3
When 幾時 gei2 si4
What time 幾點鐘 gei2 gim2 jung1
How to 點樣 dim2 yeung2
Why 點解 dim2 gaai2
做乜 jou6 mat1
為咩 wai6 me1
#Cantonese #廣東話 #港講廣東話 #i_Cantonese_hk
#代名詞 #Pronoun
呢個係你邊位呀? Who is this person (related to you)?
嗰啲係咩嚟㗎? What are those things?
邊度有洗手間呀? Where is the washroom?
There are quite many different pronouns 各種代名詞:
1. Personal pronouns 人物代名詞
(a) Subject 主格 我, 你, 佢 (plural+哋dei6)
(b) Object 受格 我, 你, 佢 (I, You, He/She/It)
(c) Possessive 所有格 我嘅, 你嘅, 佢嘅 keui5 ge3
(My, your, his/her/its)
(d) Reflexive 反身 我自己, 你自己, 佢自己 keui5 ji6 gei2
2. Demonstrative pronouns 指示代名詞
This, these 呢個, 呢啲 ni1 go3, ni1 di1
That, those 嗰個, 嗰啲 go2 go3, go2 di1
This way 呢邊 ni1 bin1
That way 嗰邊 go2 bin1
3. Interrogative pronouns 疑問代名詞
What 乜嘢 mat1 ye5 (咩 me1)
Who 邊個 bin1 go3
(邊位 bin1 wai2; polite)
Whose 邊個嘅 bin1 go3 ge3
Where 邊度 bin1 dou6
Which 邊一個 bin1 yat1 go3
When 幾時 gei2 si4
What time 幾點鐘 gei2 gim2 jung1
How to 點樣 dim2 yeung2
Why 點解 dim2 gaai2
做乜 jou6 mat1
為咩 wai6 me1
#Cantonese #廣東話 #港講廣東話 #i_Cantonese_hk
#代名詞 #Pronoun
今晚食咩呀? Where2go4dinner2night?
喺香港, 『今晚食咩呀?』係一個好大嘅題目, 尤其是出街食飯~ 所以有好多種唔同答案!!
In Hong Kong, it's always a BIG topic for family, friends and colleagues to think and discuss where to go for dinner (or lunch) today, especially to go outside...
There are many ways HK people can answers....
你話事啦, 你拍板啦, 你決定啦, 你揸fit啦, 你鍾意啦, 隨你啦, 就你啦, 乜都得, 乜都好, 咩都冇問題, 樣樣都可以, 無所謂, 是但啦, 求其啦, 唔好問我...
In Hong Kong, it's always a BIG topic for family, friends and colleagues to think and discuss where to go for dinner (or lunch) today, especially to go outside...
There are many ways HK people can answers....
你話事啦, 你拍板啦, 你決定啦, 你揸fit啦, 你鍾意啦, 隨你啦, 就你啦, 乜都得, 乜都好, 咩都冇問題, 樣樣都可以, 無所謂, 是但啦, 求其啦, 唔好問我...
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